
I’m not too keen on doing an actual bio – i change, i adapt, whatever – too much to write a bio anyway. It would be obsolete by the time i finished it. But some things are forever i suppose – i create stuff: illustrations and whatnot – for others and for myself. This blog is supposed to encapsulate that part of my life. Hopefully if anyone is reading this, i’m updating on a semi-regular basis – if not, my apologies.

I did write something of an artist statement once – it can be read below.

Thanks for taking the time – jbn


The worlds of the commercial illustrator

and that of the fine artist hold the

same atmosphere. Heavens thick with inspiration.

But you, with your judging eyes, ruling like gods.

You determine the air in which we breathe.

But I sit in the corner of both worlds,

breathing aerosol fumes.

The work before you are examples of time well spent, nothing more.

One part, Saturday morning cartoons,

a tablespoon of youthful rebellion, and a dash of foresight.

Mixed and served.

I enjoy the process of creating, and I like the look of uncertainty.

If you walk away from one of my pieces in disgust, that’s okay.

If you feel indifferent – rip it from the wall.